Let me introduce myself and this crazy-messy-lovely life I live. I've been married to my sweet hubby, Nate, for 25 years. We have 6 kids (4 boys and 2 girls) and we added our first daughter-in-law in 2021. We've lived in Utah, Alabama (Birmingham), Arizona (Tucson) and currently reside in Stuttgart, Germany. We moved here in September of 2020 (right during the pandemic) and although it's been hard and crazy at times, I have loved the opportunities and experiences living internationally has brought our family.
I graduated from Southern Utah University (Cedar City, UT) with a Bachelors in Family and Consumer Sciences with my secondary teaching certificate. Besides mainly staying at home raising this crew I've also taught cooking/management classes for USU Extension Services, fitness and aerobics classes for YMCA /PG Fitness Center and most recently taught online English classes for VIPKID. I love teaching and knew from an early age that I always wanted to be a teacher. Combine that with a love of food and it's a win-win! Starting with my kids, expanding my pupils to neighborhood friends and playgroups... I love to see kids gain confidence and a healthy relationship with food. What better way than to start them young! |